The email module in the Create Communications Portal allows you to create and manage interactive email campaigns. You can monitor your campaigns and track spending. You can send plain text emails using portal campaigns.


The Campaigns tab allows you to preview and manage previously created campaigns. You can see the message count and costs per campaign. Additionally, campaigns can be saved as drafts or launched immediately. Depending on the progress and configuration, they can have one of the following states:

  • Draft: Creation of the campaign started, but not finished. 
  • Scheduled: Campaign scheduled for a future time. 
  • In Progress: Campaign currently running. 
  • Failed: The campaign could not be started. 
  • Paused: Campaigns paused. 
  • Cancelled: Canceled campaigns. 
  • Active: Active campaigns. 
  • Finished: Campaigns completed. 
  • Favorites: Preferred campaigns.
Depending on its status, a campaign may have the following options: 
  • pause. 
  • Duplicate: Create a new campaign with the same settings as an existing one. • View: View or edit the campaign. 
  • Get rid of. 
  • Create report.
All campaigns can be cloned. Drafts can be deleted and edited. Campaign execution can be paused or cancelled. Paused campaigns can be resumed. You can preview detailed statistics for voice campaigns for each launched campaign by selecting the campaign row and clicking the campaign name or the “View Campaign Details” icon. 
  • In the preview you can keep track of the following details: 

    • End of the campaign. 
    • Delivery rate percentage and number of messages delivered. 
    • Average delivery time of all delivered emails. • Emails sent. 
    • Distribution by reason of error BOUNCED, DROPPED, SYSTEM ERROR.
On the campaign details page, you have the option to preview the email to be sent by clicking the preview icon. If needed, you can even download the HTML file of the email preview.

Create a campaign

Creating an email campaign flow is similar to creating SMS campaigns. You must specify the name of the campaign, the recipients in the TO field, the caller ID number in the FROM field, and optionally define the SCHEDULE. 

There are three ways to enter recipients in the TO field: Enter email addresses, upload a file, or add them from Subscribers. The sender address must belong to any of your registered domains. Your registered domains appear below the FROM field.

You must also specify the subject of the email message in the SUBJECT field and the message in the MESSAGE field.

The message can have placeholders like SMS to enable personalization of email messages.

A quick analysis of the campaign is shown at the bottom, mentioning the total number of emails in the campaign and the estimated cost of the campaign.


There are three layout options to start an email:

  • Basic
  • Header and footer
  • Upload an HTML

The message field is different for each of these layouts.

The basic design is used only for text campaigns. It is possible to improve the edition such as changing the font, its size and color, the indentation and orientation. Bold, italic, and underline options are also available. The basic design in turn allows you to attach hyperlinks and images. Markers like NAME can be inserted directly into the message when using the basic layout.

Upload HTML – you can create an HTML email using this option. The edition of the HTML must be done outside the portal. We currently do not support editing HTML code on our platform. The preview option can be used to see the email message, and also to be able to make sure that it is the right one before launching the campaign. If image files are required they can also be uploaded. Supported files are: JPEG, PNG and GIF. We will generate an HTML email to upload the image. 

The header and footer layout is a combination of two other layouts. You can download an HTML or image files for the header and footer to enrich the text content.

Email preview

This is a preview below the email message space, which is on the same level as the message options. Before launching the email campaign, you can use this option in order to see how the email will look. if some changes are needed like changing the HTML or modifying some files, these can be done before launching the campaign.

This is a preview below the email message space, which is on the same level as the message options. Before launching the email campaign, you can use this option in order to see how the email will look. if some changes are needed like changing the HTML or modifying some files, these can be done before launching the campaign.

Attach files

You can add attachments to your email campaign. There is an attach button below the message box, it is at the same level as the message options. By clicking this button, you can delete or select the files you want. 

The maximum number of files supported by the platform is 20. The size of each of them must be less than 10MB. The size of all files combined must not exceed the  20MB. 

Create campaign from a template

At the beginning of the creation of your campaign you can create it from scratch or you can simply use one of our previously saved and defined templates. For similar campaigns you can avoid steps in their creation by using templates.

Bookmarks in HTML content

The bookmark functionality is seen in the text content editor. By clicking on this icon a list of bookmarks will be displayed. You will be able to select from this list the marker you want to insert into the text. 

However, in HTML it works differently. This only applies to header and footer layouts. The moment you upload an HTML file a pop-up message will appear showing you the file model of your HTML that you should replace within the platform's standard markup. We have worked on analyzing the HTML and determining the most used models.

For example, other providers use the tag |*TAGNAME*| as model. If these templates are present in the HTML you uploaded, we'll show you the possible markups you can use. If none of the templates are detected, or if you prefer to define it under your own templates overriding the default markers, you can customize the marker template settings using the “Add Customization” option as shown below: 

You have the option to delete a bookmark or mark it blank.